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Canada Mushroom Growing Supply List
As an alternative to pre-sterilized grain spawn , an alternative spawn is using
Uncle Ben's Brown Rice
which is pre-sterilized already.
This method is called Uncle's Ben Tek where you inject your liquid culture / spores directly into this package then cover the hole with a piece of tape. Afterwards, you allow the mycelium to colonize fully by patiently waiting several weeks.
Grain Spawn vs Uncle Ben's Tek:
Both ways work just fine, for a new mushroom grower using Uncle Ben's is a low cost way to grow mushrooms. However as you progress in this hobby, grain spawn will be the best bang for your buck in terms of $ spent for the yield you get!
This method is called Uncle's Ben Tek where you inject your liquid culture / spores directly into this package then cover the hole with a piece of tape. Afterwards, you allow the mycelium to colonize fully by patiently waiting several weeks.
Grain Spawn vs Uncle Ben's Tek:
Both ways work just fine, for a new mushroom grower using Uncle Ben's is a low cost way to grow mushrooms. However as you progress in this hobby, grain spawn will be the best bang for your buck in terms of $ spent for the yield you get!
Autoclave - $255.55 CAD via Amazon (Save $ buying USED from Ebay/ Craigslist/ Facebook Marketplace )
Another must have for your mycology growing operation is an autoclave. For a hobby-scale or home grower, we recommend using a Presto 23 Quart Induction Compatiable Pressure Cooker to sterilize your spawn / substrate at 15 PSI+ for 1.5 - 2.5 hours.
For grain spawn jars, 1.5 hours will do, while grain bags / substrate bags we recommend 2 - 2.5 hours as there will be more thermal mass to heat up. Remember to start your timer when it reaches 15 PSI as indicated on the PSI gauge.
For grain spawn jars, 1.5 hours will do, while grain bags / substrate bags we recommend 2 - 2.5 hours as there will be more thermal mass to heat up. Remember to start your timer when it reaches 15 PSI as indicated on the PSI gauge.

For innoculations, the next upgrade from a still air / glove box are HEPA Laminar FlowHoods. While you can buy professional laminar flowhoods used by medicial labs for thousands of dollars, there is an alternative that is much more $$$ effective!
I introduce you to HEPA FFU (Fan Filter Units), these little bad boys work just as well as long as you buy the HEPA filter that is minimum 99.99% filtration.
I introduce you to HEPA FFU (Fan Filter Units), these little bad boys work just as well as long as you buy the HEPA filter that is minimum 99.99% filtration.
Note: Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Vancouver Coco Coir.